I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 6 and my Teacher is Miss Down.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Graduation Mass
We had our graduation for the year 6's yesterday. The Mass started at 5.30 pm and ended at 7.00 pm. It started with some songs then we heard a speech. Next up was the part where the current year 6's hand over candles to the current year 5's. I felt so excited to be able to go up on to the alter receiving my leadership candle. I can't believe that next year I will be graduating!!
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Here are a few words and phrases we learnt in Maori. They are words for food and a few other things that are food related. We have learnt the correct way to pronounce them and all about the long and short vowel sounds. Overall this year I have loved learning about different and new words and phrases.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Jesse Tree
In Religious Education we have been learning about the Jesse tree as now it is Advent. The Jesse tree is a tree that we hang ornaments on. Each ornament symbolizes one story in the Bible. This is a page on the symbols on the tree matched up with the story its from. I hope you like my page.
In maths we have been learning about Algebra. We got booklets that started off with simple questions then progressed to very hard questions. I started off with a bit of experience but that didn't stop me from being challenged. Overall I learnt a lot about Algebra!
Monday, 3 December 2018
Spud Guns
In class we have been trying to make spud guns . Both times we did this it did not work but we had fun trying. First we tried normal plastic, bendy straws which bent as soon as we stuck them into the potatoes they bent. Today we tried making them again but with two kinds of firmer straws. They went in a lot easier but when we went to shoot them they just flopped out. This was fun although it didn't work!!
Friday, 30 November 2018
If I won the lotto
If I won the Lotto…
Oh my! Winning the lotto is one of everyone's dreams and I would love be in the position of one of the lucky people who take home the big bucks. Here are the things I would do…
First I would call all the people I know to tell them the news and that they should come over tomorrow for an EPIC party!! But I can’t possibly invest ALL my money on the world's most AWESOME party so I will give a chunk of money to charity so I can feel like my spend is not going to be a waste, although this party will be memorable forever!
To start I will hire a catering service, the finest of fine. Then I would go out and buy the highest quality drinks to serve. Next stop would be a store to buy gold and diamonds to use as decorations to signify that I was rich. I would get gold plates implemented by diamond silverware and shiny rose gold napkins. I would buy the finest quality park bags and the most expensive entertainment. Then it would be party time!!
You can choose between talking, listening to comedy, dancing, singing, eating, watching a circus show or even watching a concert. But once the clock strikes 6pm we all enjoy the finest dinner and at 7pm a buffet of desert will surround us. Then we can have fun together until dawn.
When the guests have had enough (that could be never!) they can treat themselves to a party bag fit for royalty. Unfortunately I would now be on cleaning up but I managed to hire a cleaning service who made my house and garden cleaner than before!!
3D shapes
Lately in maths we have been learning about 3D shapes. I made a cube and 2 Pyramids. We learnt about faces , edges and vertices. It was nice to learn about 3D shapes instead of re-learning what we already know about 2D shapes. I loved making shapes.
Persuasive Writing
In Writing we have been learning about how to write persuasive writing. We created a first draft then edited it by looking to see if our arguments made a point. Next we fixed up our introduction and conclusion. This was very fun and I learnt a lot. My topic is "Why we should all live a healthier life".
I bet you enjoy sitting on the couch with a massive ice cream sundae on your lap watching tv. What you should be doing is going a speedy walk to pick up a salad. We can all agree that we should start to live a healthier life, but why??? Keep on reading to find out!
Firstly, laying around all day eating mcdonalds in a dark closed in space will make you tired, lazy and possibly even sick because of the lack of exercise, fresh air, light and healthy food. As an alternative scenario you could choose a healthy fast food meal such as a subway salad or Pita Pit. Then do something outside before watching tv in a light open area.
Part of being healthy is about being happy and social. If you aren’t then you might become grumpy and moody. Every once in awhile when you find time its a good idea catch up with your friends at an organic cafe. Say no to fried eggs and say yes to scrambled ones. Say no french fries and say yes to wedges. You will leave feeling social, healthy and hopefully happy. Having a girls day out can never hurt either!
Lastly we all want to live for ages! Living an unhealthy life may be enjoyable at the time but later you will regret it. You may fall sick and live for shorter than you may have if you had lead a healthier life earlier. Getting a head start is key if you want to live for longer. So let's be healthy and live for longer!!!!
Now that we all know some reasons why we should live a healthier life why would we hesitate to begin our journey to live one!!! Even if you only make a couple of small tweaks to your life I bet you will see a difference someday. From this second on let's all be healthier!!!!!!!
Why We All Should Make An Effort To Live A Healthier Life
Firstly, laying around all day eating mcdonalds in a dark closed in space will make you tired, lazy and possibly even sick because of the lack of exercise, fresh air, light and healthy food. As an alternative scenario you could choose a healthy fast food meal such as a subway salad or Pita Pit. Then do something outside before watching tv in a light open area.
Part of being healthy is about being happy and social. If you aren’t then you might become grumpy and moody. Every once in awhile when you find time its a good idea catch up with your friends at an organic cafe. Say no to fried eggs and say yes to scrambled ones. Say no french fries and say yes to wedges. You will leave feeling social, healthy and hopefully happy. Having a girls day out can never hurt either!
Lastly we all want to live for ages! Living an unhealthy life may be enjoyable at the time but later you will regret it. You may fall sick and live for shorter than you may have if you had lead a healthier life earlier. Getting a head start is key if you want to live for longer. So let's be healthy and live for longer!!!!
Now that we all know some reasons why we should live a healthier life why would we hesitate to begin our journey to live one!!! Even if you only make a couple of small tweaks to your life I bet you will see a difference someday. From this second on let's all be healthier!!!!!!!
Friday, 23 November 2018
Drax Project Tour
For our passports in topic I made a Drax Project band tour plan. The task was to create a two week tour plan for a New Zealand band. I chose Drax Project for mine. In the tour they started in Auckland and went down to Invercargill then back up to Auckland. They performed many shows around the country. Here is a photo of it.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Cultural Festival
On Saturday we went to the Cultural Festival. First I did my Irish dancing which was fun and tiring. We had lunch then got ready for our Kapa haka. Both times I was very nervous before I went on stage that I might forget what to do or that we all might forget what to do but we all did it perfectly!! It was a long, hot day but it was fun and worth it!
Friday, 16 November 2018
High Jump
A little while ago we had our high jump competition at school. I was nervous and excited as I waited for my turn. We started on 95 centimetres and then went up to 1 metre then up by 1 centimetre at a time. Soon we were down to 3 people as so many had dropped out. I was shocked! I was in the top 3!! One jump later we were up to two. We inched up a centimetre at a time until we were so high that I didn't clear it. I was sad but I was very happy I had come 2nd, But it was all about having fun!!
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Athletics day!!
Yesterday was Athletics Day. We went on a short bus ride to the track before starting the day with the optional 800 metre race. Out of the 10 and 11 year old girls I came 3rd. Next was the 200 metre race I came 2nd in the heats and 4th in the final. After that was the 400 metre race and that was judged by time so I don't know what place I came overall but I won my heat. I didn't make the 100 metre finals because I came 5th but that was fun! Next was the field events. We did discus, shot put and long jump. It was a lot of fun but I'm sad I only have 1 Athletics Day to go!
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Beak Science Experiment
Today we did an experiment on different bird beaks and what beaks pick up things better than others. We found that the flattest one picked up the paper best. The bent, pointy one picked up the gummy worms best and another flat one picked up the skittles best. We had fun and learnt a lot!
Friday, 9 November 2018
This week we were able to learn about writing and drawing comics. I created a comic about two of my own characters, puppy girl and cat boy. I learned how you start off with a small draft then you edit and expand it to become a better comic. This was very fun and I would do it again!!
Monday, 29 October 2018
This week in Maths we have been learning about patterns and for that we have been drawing pedes. Some examples are humped back pedes, straight back pedes, dotted pedes and big headed pedes. Today we got to create our own pedes. Me and my partner created a dog-cat pede. We had to create a pattern that continued on with every pede. Our pattern was that the tail got one square longer each time. This was a lot of fun and I learnt a lot about area and patterns.
Friday, 26 October 2018
In class we have been making shields talking about ways we are unique and and ways the our class is special. I wrote, I am unique because I do 3 dance classes a week and because I am writing a comic book series and our class is special because we get along very well and we all help each other out. This was a very fun project and I would love to do another similar activity.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Bike Safety

Today we did a bike course to help us learn about bike safety. In the top photo I am riding in one of the obstacle courses we took part in and the bottom photo is of us playing a game where we have to ride a round a small area trying not to knock anyone out or putting our feet down, the people around the outside are out and are helping to make the box smaller. It was a lot of fun and we all learnt heaps! I can't wait to do it next year!
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
In Religious Education we have been learning about making and keeping promises. We all chose a word related to promise like trust or love. I chose to do Family. I thought I would draw a family all holding up the letters. I liked drawing it and showing some creativity.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Cultural Week
Last week was Cultural Week! We all went to different
classes to learn about different cultures. I did Japanese. On Friday we performed a colour song, head, shoulders, knees and toes in Japanese as well as a Sakura (Cherry blossom tree dance). I learnt a lot about Japan as well as other cultures through watching their performances. I hope we have just as much fun next year as we did this year.
classes to learn about different cultures. I did Japanese. On Friday we performed a colour song, head, shoulders, knees and toes in Japanese as well as a Sakura (Cherry blossom tree dance). I learnt a lot about Japan as well as other cultures through watching their performances. I hope we have just as much fun next year as we did this year.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
My Cross
This term we have been working on painting crosses that symbolize the school and the community. I painted puzzle pieces to symbolize us all fitting together like a puzzle does. I wrote on words like Care, Respect, Honesty, Peace and Love. I drew a heart to symbolize love, a fire to symbolize the life of god and a few more symbols. My favorite part was painting as it was peaceful and fun.
Friday, 14 September 2018
In class we have been lucky enough to be learning Mandarin. Here is some of the work from my book. We have now learnt how to have a basic conversation and how to count. It has been fun because we sing songs to help us remember things. I can't wait to start it again next term.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Catholic Schools Cross Country
Yesterday a few students between the ages of Year 3 and Year 6 went to the Catholic Schools Cross Country interschools. I am not sure exactly what place I came because anyone who came after 20 was given 21st. It was a very hard race but it was very fun!
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Komodo dragon
We have been researching different kinds of reptiles in class for our inquiry. I chose to do the komodo dragon. Here is the slide I did on them. I hope you enjoy it!
Friday, 31 August 2018
Mini BB Fair
Yesterday was the Mini BB Fair (Mini Books and Baking Fair). It was run by the school council to raise money for a mural on the power box outside the office. The baking was sold for 50c and the books were around $1. The baking was very delicious and the books were very good! My favorite part was eating yummy baking and browsing for books to buy. I wish we could have another Mini BB Fair!
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Abraham and Sarah
Today In Religious Education we listened to the story of Abraham and Sarah. Half of us performed a quick dramatization of the story. I was Abraham and Sarah's miracle son Issac. This is a photo from the end of the play where I am being held and all the characters are surrounding me. This was a lot of fun to do!!
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Subtraction Vocabulary
A little while ago we all paired up to make posters on maths vocabulary. We did our poster on subtraction and we put in 3 funny word problems for room 8 to solve. It was a lot of fun and both room 8 and room 5 learnt something.
Today in reading we drew pictures of characters from the book we were reading. I am reading "Smile" by Raina Telgemeier, so I drew Raina. Around her I wrote some of her main personalty traits like Fun and Friendly. I look forward to finishing this book.
Meerkats. Probably one of the cutest mammals on the planet. But I think
we all ought to know a little more about these small, brown cuties so read along…
Meerkats are not in anyway fussy with their diet. They are Omnivores (They eat plants and meat ). They enjoy meals made up of insects, small rodents, fruit, birds, eggs and poisonous scorpions. Sounds like my kind of diet!!
Meerkats habitats are dry, open areas. They even inhibit all of Kalahari desert in Botswana and South Africa. They also enjoy stowing themselves away in an underground burrows.
Meerkats have around 3-4 babies in a litter after being pregnant for 11 weeks. When Meerkats are in captivity ( somewhere like the zoo ) they live for 12-14 years but out in the the wild they live up to around 10 years.
Lucky for us and the meerkat gangs we can still find many meerkats out there as they are NOT endangered!!! Although we are counting on the eagles to not populate as they are predators. So next time you spot a meerkat think how lucky they are.
Unfortunately for us that is all for today. I hope you learnt as much as I did about these cool and cute creatures. Now you can go and tell your friends and family these cool and fabulous facts.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Grandparents Day
Today was Grandparents day! My Mum's, Mum and Dad came. In the morning we went to mass, then we enjoyed a lovely bake sale. In the afternoon we watched some performances done by the juniors, the ukulele group and the choir. My favorite part was the bake sale and performances because we could enjoy time with our grandparents and watch some fun performances. I can't wait for Grandparents Day next year!
Friday, 17 August 2018
Science Experiment
On Tuesday we did a fun science experiment where we saw weather wet or dry paper towels absorbed dye better. We left the paper towels over lunch and when we got back we discovered that the dry paper towels absorbed the dye really well. They looked so cool that people wanted to take them home. I learned a lot doing this experiment and it was worth it!!!
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Today a few students from Year 4 to 6 went to the Eden/Albert Gymnastics zones. Although the year 4, 5 and 6 girls did not win anything the year 5 boys came 1st in team and got a 4th and 1st in individual. The girls did three apparatus Beam, Floor and Vault and the boys did Bar, Floor and Vault. We all enjoyed the experience and had a ball performing the routines we had practiced for a while.
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
The feast of St Mary Mackillop Dot Art
Today we did some fun activities because it was the feast of St Mary Mackillop. St Mary Mackillop is a well known Australian Saint whose sisters created our school. Here is a photo of me with my dot art as well the whole class with their art. I liked dot art because it was so peaceful. It was a fun day!!
Thursday, 2 August 2018
My Speech
On Tuesday I said my speech to the class. I was the second person to say my speech. I was not one bit nervous, I was very excited!! When I was going up to say my speech I told myself to not forget a thing, use expression and make eye contact. I felt like I did just that! Now I need to sit back, relax and wait to see if I'm in the semi finals!!!
Helping Hands
Last week for Religious Education we created Helping Hands showing who can help with your wellbeing. Some examples of people who can help: Pets, Mum and Dad, Professionals, Doctors and God/Priests.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Animal Classifiction
Today we learned about how Animals are classified into groups. Animals are either Vertebrates (Which means they have a spine) or Invertebrates (Which don't have a spine).
Invertebrates are Animals like Jellyfish, Crabs, Insects and Octopus.
Vertebrates are put into 5 groups. They are Mammals, Fish, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians. Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Reptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breathe through their skin and need to keep their skin moist. Fish breathe through gills and have fins.
5 Examples of each type:
Mammals: Cats, Dogs, Red pandas, Pandas and Bunnies.
Fish: Gold Fish, Angel Fish, Sharks, Whales and Seahorses.
Reptiles: Tuatara, Snake, Lizards, Geckos and Skinks.
Birds: Ducks, Swans, Pigeons, Kiwis and Parrots.
Invertebrates are Animals like Jellyfish, Crabs, Insects and Octopus.
Vertebrates are put into 5 groups. They are Mammals, Fish, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians. Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Reptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breathe through their skin and need to keep their skin moist. Fish breathe through gills and have fins.
5 Examples of each type:
Mammals: Cats, Dogs, Red pandas, Pandas and Bunnies.
Fish: Gold Fish, Angel Fish, Sharks, Whales and Seahorses.
Reptiles: Tuatara, Snake, Lizards, Geckos and Skinks.
Birds: Ducks, Swans, Pigeons, Kiwis and Parrots.
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
This term for topic we are studying Animals and their Evolution. There are two types of Animals. Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Vertebrates have spines and Invertebrates don't. There are 5 types of Vertebrates; Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, Birds and Amphibians. Above is my title page and list of Vertebrates.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
In the ballroom
We glide across the floor
We spin around quite fast
I now cha cha cha to open the door
And I waltz to my new ship mast
until I hit the floor!
On stage
the beaming lights
the clapping hands
the judges fights
the screaming, shouting fans
the feeling of my dancing tights
little kids beg for a snack
mummy says no
little kids try to get the nack
mummy thinks so-so
little kids crack open a snack
I now cha cha cha to open the door
And I waltz to my new ship mast
until I hit the floor!
On stage
the beaming lights
the clapping hands
the judges fights
the screaming, shouting fans
the feeling of my dancing tights
little kids beg for a snack
mummy says no
little kids try to get the nack
mummy thinks so-so
little kids crack open a snack
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Over the last term we have been learning about drama. Our theme was Hansel and Gretel. Today for the last lesson we acted out parts in Hansel and Gretel. I was the witch. Here is our clip. We got to change the story up a bit.
Book review
We have been doing book reviews in class. I did my review on Mary Anne Saves The Day by Anne M. Martin. It was a cool book and I recommend it for anyone. I chose it because it shows real friendship.
Monday, 25 June 2018
book week and production
Last week was book week. We all dress up as book characters so I went as Lucie from "Dance Class".
Last week we also did our school production. I was a lead role as well as a dancing Barbie. It was about a toy shop where at night all the toys come alive. In the play I was Amy who is a little girl who comes to the shop and buys a Jack in the box. It was a lot of fun!
Last week we also did our school production. I was a lead role as well as a dancing Barbie. It was about a toy shop where at night all the toys come alive. In the play I was Amy who is a little girl who comes to the shop and buys a Jack in the box. It was a lot of fun!
Monday, 11 June 2018
Life cycle of a panda
Why are pandas just the cutest animals on earth?!
With their black and white fur they are hard to resist. Today I’ll explain their life cycle from birth to death.
It all begins with a tiny, blind and pink newborn. Newborns are around the age of 0-4 months. In about a month they will develop a black and white pattern and they will begin to crawl at 3 months.
Once they hit the age of 4-24 months they begin cubhood. At 4 months cubs are able to run just a few steps. Pandas are fully weaned to bamboo at 8 months.
Independance is around the ages of 1.5 or 2 years. This is when most pandas move away from their mothers. It does depend on if the mother is pregnant. If she is they will leave earlier than others.
The last stage is maturity. Females will reach full maturity at 4 years and males at 6 (wild pandas may be slower). In the wild, pandas live up to 20 years, 30 under capacity.
Now you know the life cycle of a panda. So next time you see one of these fluffy cuties from China you will know exactly where they came from.
It all begins with a tiny, blind and pink newborn. Newborns are around the age of 0-4 months. In about a month they will develop a black and white pattern and they will begin to crawl at 3 months.
Once they hit the age of 4-24 months they begin cubhood. At 4 months cubs are able to run just a few steps. Pandas are fully weaned to bamboo at 8 months.
Independance is around the ages of 1.5 or 2 years. This is when most pandas move away from their mothers. It does depend on if the mother is pregnant. If she is they will leave earlier than others.
The last stage is maturity. Females will reach full maturity at 4 years and males at 6 (wild pandas may be slower). In the wild, pandas live up to 20 years, 30 under capacity.
Now you know the life cycle of a panda. So next time you see one of these fluffy cuties from China you will know exactly where they came from.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Cross Country
Yesterday we all arrived at school nervous and excited for our annual cross country!! Before I knew it the clappers went off for our race. I ran off, trying to get up as close to the front as I could. Not soon after taking off we were running a lap of the field to stop in at the finish line. For the third year in a row I came 2nd! All my class mates and family members were very supportive. I was happy! Next it was my turn to cheer everyone on!
Monday, 28 May 2018
The Life Of Jesus
During Religious education we learnt about life in Jesus's time. Here is one of my favorite pages in my Religious Education book. One fact I learnt was there were 613 rules to follow, one of them being that women could not be educated.
Thursday, 24 May 2018
For reading we have been practicing our research skills. I chose to study Japan. Here is my research.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Roll an Answer
Today in maths we played a game called Roll an Answer. It tests the skills we have learned this year like rounding, place value, addition and subtraction. My group did a board about rounding.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Bully free NZ week
During Bully Free NZ Week we had a chance to wear pink and donate some money to stop bullying. We wore the colour pink because it stands for peaceful, inclusive, noble and kind.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
How to use a vending machine
we have been doing explanation writing. My explanation is on how to use a vending machine. Here is my slide. I hope you enjoy it!
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Poor Jenn
She had been squished flatter than a pancake. Jenn was at Lindsey's house for a play date. They had made a hut under the table but as Jenn sat in it the table collapsed on her. Lindsey was super sorry that the table had collapsed, so she began to blow Jenn up. Poor Jenn inflated like a balloon. She even floated like she was full of helium. Now Jenn was in the top right corner of Lindsey’s kitchen. “HELP” shouted Jenn. Lindsey’s little sister Perry ran in to the kitchen. “Oh no! I didn’t know we had helium”. “Perry no!” said Lindsey “she got squished so I blew her back up”. Lindsey ran to the phone, she dialed 111. “Hello what is your emergency” said the woman on the phone, “well my table fell down, my best friend was squished and I tried to blow her up but she went up to the ceiling like a helium balloon!” “ha ha funny” said the woman. Lindsey hung up. Now what could the girls do? “Pop me” shouted Jenn from the ceiling. Perry ran to the pin board and got a pin, “here goes nothing Jenn”. Perry stood on a chair, she could not reach Jenn on the ceiling. “Oh bananas!” said Perry. After 3 hours Jenn was still on the ceiling! A yawn came from the lounge, Lindsey's mum was awake now. She walked into the kitchen. “AHHH JENN” shouted Lindsey’s mum “okay blow out Jenn”. Jenn blew out all the air she had. Slowly she fell down to the floor. The girls all learnt to get mum next time.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
the storm last night
Today we wrote senses poems about the Auckland storm last night. Here is mine.
I see the lightning flash beneath my eyes.
I hear my rattling window dancing in the wind.
I feel the carpet under my feet as I move to sleep in the hallway.
I smell my wet dog who escaped into the storm.
I taste my duvet as I nibble it anxiously.
I feel scared as I wait to see how hard we were hit.
I see the lightning flash beneath my eyes.
I hear my rattling window dancing in the wind.
I feel the carpet under my feet as I move to sleep in the hallway.
I smell my wet dog who escaped into the storm.
I taste my duvet as I nibble it anxiously.
I feel scared as I wait to see how hard we were hit.
Saturday, 7 April 2018
The Best Dance Ever
As I walk into my changing room I spot all my friends. I go and take a seat as I re-apply my makeup. Then me and my crew went over our routine, even though I was in my hip hop costume. We took a photo and found a spot to relax.
Me and my hip hop squad were called backstage. We fixed up our bobby pins so our hats would stay on. We creeped to the side of the stage to see the last people finish their dance.
I heard the music start. My heart was beating fast. I ran on stage on my own. Later in the dance I grooved to the front to take my front and center position. Around 2 minutes later we all danced off stage and a big cheer goes up. I rushed to the changing rooms and swapped costumes. Soon my mum came in and re-did my hair and makeup before I was back on the side of the stage getting ready to go on and dance.
We ran on like little pixies in our jazz shoes. The music began. I hoped I would get my cue to jump up correct and I did. Before I knew it I was doing my solo part; a sassy point and hip wiggle. We ran to the edge and got our flags to wave in the air. I had the german flag. Then we posed and left the stage.
My mum came and got me and we went into the auditorium to watch the rest of the show. Then we had the AWARDS!!!!! My name was on the award list twice! The first award I got was a top dancer certificate for American jazz. Next I got a most improved certificate for hip hop! I was so so outstanded!
We had that over and done with but I had to go back at night to repeat my hip hop routine.
Me and my hip hop squad were called backstage. We fixed up our bobby pins so our hats would stay on. We creeped to the side of the stage to see the last people finish their dance.
I heard the music start. My heart was beating fast. I ran on stage on my own. Later in the dance I grooved to the front to take my front and center position. Around 2 minutes later we all danced off stage and a big cheer goes up. I rushed to the changing rooms and swapped costumes. Soon my mum came in and re-did my hair and makeup before I was back on the side of the stage getting ready to go on and dance.
We ran on like little pixies in our jazz shoes. The music began. I hoped I would get my cue to jump up correct and I did. Before I knew it I was doing my solo part; a sassy point and hip wiggle. We ran to the edge and got our flags to wave in the air. I had the german flag. Then we posed and left the stage.
My mum came and got me and we went into the auditorium to watch the rest of the show. Then we had the AWARDS!!!!! My name was on the award list twice! The first award I got was a top dancer certificate for American jazz. Next I got a most improved certificate for hip hop! I was so so outstanded!
We had that over and done with but I had to go back at night to repeat my hip hop routine.
Friday, 6 April 2018
In room 6 maths class we have been doing statistical investigations. First we learnt about stem and leaf graphs and did fun investigations on sports. We also learnt how to make graphs on excel. we learnt how to make pie graphs. below are some graphs I have made on excel.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Good Friday
Today in Religious Education we learnt about Good Friday and the symbols of Good Friday. Here is my work from today.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
The Beach
The beach was usual enough:
It had
A quiet, small cafe, rocky waves, tall, peaceful dunes, calm colorful sea creatures and pretty seashells.
My Mum, My Dad and I did what families do - splashing carelessly in the pools, diving under huge powerful waves, lying on our towels relaxing, looking for fish, swimming out in the deep water
doing nothing important.
It had
A quiet, small cafe, rocky waves, tall, peaceful dunes, calm colorful sea creatures and pretty seashells.
My Mum, My Dad and I did what families do - splashing carelessly in the pools, diving under huge powerful waves, lying on our towels relaxing, looking for fish, swimming out in the deep water
doing nothing important.
Saturday, 24 February 2018
my pepeha
Kia ora!
Ko Aotearoa tōku whenua
Ko Tāmki Makaurau tōku tāone
Ko Maungawhau tōku maunga
Ko Waitetamata tōku moana
Ko England tōku waka
Ko Lipscombe tōku iwi
Ko Anthony lipscombe tōku papa
Ko Francesca lipscombe tōku mama
Ko Jemima lipscombe tōku ingoa
Thursday, 22 February 2018
My Mantra
You either
or you learn
A mantra is a positive statement or quote. I chose this mantra because sometimes I don't like to lose, but when I heard this I realized that when you lose you don't only lose but you learn something as well.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Hello everyone, my name is Jemima. I love to dance. For dance I do dance-sport and American jazz. In my opinion nachos are the best. I have a cute dog called Donut. In my spare time I do things like gymnastics. I am working on a back bend kick-over. Writing is my favourite subject at school and want to be very active on my blog.
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